Friday, October 10, 2008

Quotes Sms

  • TWO RULES to always remember:-
    1) Never say EVERYTHiNG, you know.
    2) Never say

    "I will be a reason of one's happiness & not part of it. & i will be part of one's sadness, and not a reason for it."

  • Apologising does not mean that you are wrong and the other is right. It only means that you value relationship much more than personal ego.

  • A smile is a language dat everybody understands. It costs nothing but creates much. It happens fast but its memory may last forever. Keep smiling: -)

  • If a drop of water falls on lake, it looses identity!
    If it falls on lotus, it shines!
    If on a shell, it becomes a pearl!
    The drop is same, but COMPANY matters!

  • Powerfull Thought:

    "Even a small dot can stop a big sentence..


    Few more dots can give a continuity..."

  • STrAnGE BuT TruE
    "One hurts you so that u may find someone who can heal u, if nobody is there to hurt u, you will never know the person who cares for u."

  • No one ever won a Game of Chess by taking only Forward moves. Sometimes U have to move Backward to get a better step forward.That's also the life.

  • A Beautiful Saying-
    "If Ur Vision Is Sweet U Would Like All D People Of The World..
    But If Ur Heart Is Sweet All D People Of D World Will Like U."

  • When GOD takes away something from your hand, dont think He s punishing u he is merely emptying ur hand, for u 2 receive something better.

    Have Faith!!!

  • "Leave Something for Relation.Never Leave Relation for Something. Because In Life, Something Will Leave U. But Relation will Always Live With U."

  • "In the time of crises I was not hurt by the harsh words of my ENEMIES, But By the silence of my FRIENDS." -William Shakespeare

  • If U luk at wat U do not hv in ur life,U don't hv any thng.If U luk at wat U hv in ur life,U hv every thng.Always count ur blessing,not wat U r missing.

  • Smooth Roads never make good Drivers.Problem free life never makes Strong Person So, Never ask life Why Me ? Instead challenge it & say Try me !!

  • If money is ur hope for independence U will never have it. The real security that a man will have in this world is reserve of knowledge, experience & ability.

  • 2 really good lines:-

    Don't Go The Way Life Takes U,Take The Life The Way U Go..



    So enjoy life!

  • Dream is not what you see in sleep. It is something that does not let you sleep. -Abdul Kalam


    "Success kisses you in Private, but Failure always slaps you in Public."

  • "If you like me, raise your hand. If not, raise your standard." - Warren Buffett

  • Luck is Not in ur Hands.
    But Work is in ur Hands.
    Ur Work can make Luck,
    Luck can't make ur work.
    So Always Trust urself than ur Luck.

  • "If u salute ur duty, u need not salute anybody.
    But if u pollute ur duty, u have to salute everybody"-Dr Abdul Kalam

  • Good relations don't need any promises, terms or conditions.

    They just need two wonderful people,"one who can trust and one who can understand"

  • Do ordinary 4 GOD, He will do extraordinary 4 U.

    Do natural 4 GOD, He will do supernatural 4 U.

    Do possible 4 GOD, He'll do wat is impossible 4 U.

  • Thought for today...

    Money can't buy happiness..

    But somehow it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle..

  • "The tree does not withdraw its shade from the woodcutter. So forgive the one who hurts you, for they will realize your worth one day"

  • Life Is more Strict Than A Teacher, A Teacher Teaches Lesson And Then Keep Exam.

    But Life Keeps Exam First & Then Teaches Lesson…

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