Friday, October 1, 2010

Quotes Sms

  • Only 2 persons In Life R Very Happy In This World..

    1st MAD & 2nd CHILD..

    Be a Mad To Achieve What U Desire & Be A Child To Enjoy It Without Worries.

  • Relations are not an Exam to Pass or Fail. Its not a Competition to Win or Lose. Its a Feeling in which U Care for Someone More Than Yourself.

  • Most of the people refuse to understand the secret code of success which is very simple - "Just TRY ONE MORE Time in a DIFFERENT way."

  • I studied everything but never TOPPED. But TODAY the toppers of best universities are my employees. -BILL GATES


  • I will choose a lazy person to do a difficult job.


    Definitely, he will find an easy way to do it.
    -Bill Gates

  • Only two GREAT DAYS in human life.

    1st, the day when we were born.


    2nd, the day when we prove why we were born.

  • "I may be walking slowly, but I never walk backwards." -Abraham Lincoln

    "Whenever I walk backwards, it is for long jump." - Ben Jonson

  • No jokes would sound laughable once you have heard it already, but why the same pain hurt more than once, when we have already cried for it.

  • A good saying:

    "I love photos because the best thing is that, it never changes even when the people in it are changed."

  • Never say bad luck, because Luck has a particular habit of favouring those, who don't depend on it. So, just believe in yourself and find a way to your dreams.

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